Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Bog Man

Sweet groundbreaker by G. Payne.  Looks like a bog body brought back to life. Nice and goopy!

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Now Watching: The Last of Us

Just saw the first episode of HBO's The Last of Us. It's as long as a feature film, and incredibly well-executed. As a fan of the original video game, I was pleased by how many scenes in the episode were a direct pull from the game. 

Those unfamiliar with the game(s) will have no trouble watching the show. Seriously check it out. 

Click below for the trailer
Fan poster by SG Posters

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Now Watching: Halloween 2022 - THE CARVER

The 2022 Haunt Video is up on YouTube! 

Click below to watch it:

Let me know what you think! I'm already thinking of ways to improve for the 2023 video. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Coming Soon: Haunt Video 2022

Putting the final touches on the video for Halloween 2022.  Gonna be test-uploading for quality checks, and will likely publish it before the weekend.  I'll be sure to post a link on the blog once it's up.