I'm back from my
Annual Unannounced Unplanned Post-Halloween Hiatus!* I'd prefer such absences didn't happen, but it seems to be a trend (tradition?) on the blog now.
I hope everyone's November is going well. I hope that despite the inevitable business brought on by the approaching holiday season, you are all finding a balance of tranquility and productivity as the transition into Winter continues.
For the --much appreciated-- few who check October Branches semi-regularly, forgive me for the silence. Between travelling for family and catching up on work, posting has had to take a backseat (or rather, the ejector seat). I'll be slowly returning to a more consistent schedule in the upcoming weeks.
Thanks for continuing to stop by the blog!
Close up of the scarecrow pile currently filling my back porch
P.S. - I'm still very excited to make a 2022 haunt video, but it'll have to wait for now
*(AUUPHH ["awf"] for short)