Friday, September 30, 2022

October Eve: Hurricane Ian

The big hurricane down here left me and my home completely unscathed, which was (pleasantly) surprising, given the severity of the storm. The same goes for most of my friends and family. 

I'm quite grateful... Almost one and a half million people are still without power in Florida, and at least 17 people were killed. The flooding I witnessed was biblical. 

While driving around yesterday morning, when the most dangerous winds and rain had ceased, I came across a house with a downed tree and a scarecrow. 

The fact that the house and its whimsical lawn ornament were spared the devastation filled me with Halloween warmth. It reminded me of the communal importance of Halloween, and the joy it can bring others during hard times. 

In an era of Halloween maximalism, let's not forget the simpler aspects of the holiday... Something I plan to touch on in a later post. 

Whether you're an all-out yard haunter or someone with a single porch pumpkin, your decorations are important; they fill like-minded Halloween enthusiasts with the spirit of the season.

And it's that like-mindedness,wordlessly shared between strangers, that makes Halloween such a special holiday. 


  1. Simple can be fun, and moody. I have half a dozen fake tombstones, a couple of pumpkins, and mini skeleton, outside.

    Inside is a different story.

    1. Haha, I agree. I think one's yard decorations should be a reflection of personal style and taste, and not necessarily used as a metric for how much someone loves Halloween. The citizens of October Country come in all shapes, sizes, and intensities!
